Chapters logo


brand strategy / brand identity / branding / campaign

A transforming branding

Acht is the new name for PFD, which has been responsible for accounting for healthcare professionals and individuals for years. The choice of a new name is one of the many steps to better position the brand in the competitive sector of accountancy.

Acht's brand architecture and strategy
was rebuilt from the ground up

Acht had been counting on getting their clientele via one large corporation. The two accountants formerly known as PFD needed to position themselves as a visual brand with a clear brand identity and start using their own communication to attract more clients. To create a unique market position for Acht, we are positioning Acht as accounting specialists for the healthcare sector - but their target audience of individual clients must be approached as well. It was Chapters’ challenge to create a brand that would attract and reflect both audiences and appear as one great company in their communication. The result? A branded house: ‘Acht - in zorg’ and ‘Acht - in advies’.

one powerful brand identity
that can be used to transform
all carriers of the brand
to the new strategy and style

Attracting and inspiring customers became the primary focus of the marketing strategy. When it became clear that we could best reach healthcare professionals through physical channels, the challenge arose to not only renew the brand decoratively, but also to develop creative offline communication tools.

A mailing list of all self-employed healthcare professionals in the Netherlands became the focal point to address Acht to. In our concept we created an appealing envelope with its own stamp of the brand icon that holds all of Acht’s offers, including a teabag with the tag ‘a cup of attention for you’ - taking a moment to sit down, relax and read Acht’s offer with your full attention.

The translation of the brand identity to both the physical and digital world is very broad:
from the website to mailings to
the movement style of the brand

It goes without saying that the accountants behind the brand are into numbers.
The Dutch word for attention translates into ‘aandacht’, which is what they are giving their clients - their full attention. Taking the latter part of the word leaves us with Acht, which is also the word for the number 8. Acht became the brand name and 8 the brand icon.

The colour palette for Acht is a ton-sur-ton concept in shades of green.
A cool tonal palette that radiates serenity and trust, but als carries a certain stateliness that fits the industry. The green envelope for Acht’s mailings is the counterpart of the well-known blue envelopes of the Dutch taxation office.

Acht exists in a corporate world, but Acht is designed for people. To bring warmth into the brand, the photography for the brand is created in a warm tone with warm images. The orange and burgundy accent colours in the branded house also bring warmth.

The customer's brand experience
and inspiration are central

When creating the graphic identity, we started from a grid that resembles the lines on a calculator. Visuals, texts, and accent areas can be aligned on this grid in an endless variety of configurations.

The symbol for Acht [Eight] is an 8 that is made up of two c’s - the same c as in the word Acht.
8 is a powerful number that creates an infinity sign.