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Touwtjes in handen 

brand identity / brand campaign / graphic design / exhibition

A completely new proposition
for the province of Zuid-Limburg
comes to life in the interactive exhibition
‘Touwtjes in handen’

A new view on the future of the province of Zuid-Limburg, thanks to Chapters’ creative brand campaign ‘touwtjes in handen’ under the brand name ‘Panorama Zuid-Limburg’, which includes the provincial residents in the new proposition for the province.

A successful campaign speaks
to its target audience 

The province of Zuid-Limburg is working on a new proposition. What destination will Zuid-Limburg have in 2050? To include the provincial residents in the proposition for Zuid-Limburg, the province needed to get in touch with its residents. Chapters created a brand campaign for the province that started the dialog. Research shows that the response rate on questionnaires is incredibly low. People tend to think their opinion on such decisions do not matter and that they have very little influence. Our challenge was to design a campaign that was very accessible to all people within the community, emphasising their role in the decision on the proposition.

Take center stage
with an interactive exhibition

How do you get people involved and motivated when they believe there is nothing in it for them?
All decisions made from now until 2050 are shaped by the future perspective for the province. Awareness needed to be created to address the importance of people’s opinion on the subject.

Bringing the province to its residents, taking center stage with an interactive exhibition in which we challenge the residents to start a dialog with the province, is the strategy Chapters designed to involve the people in the province’s proposition.

Communicate on all levels
of the community

Communicating on all levels of the community was the challenge in our concept.
By literally throwing residents the ropes and putting them in charge, we designed the concept ‘touwtjes in handen’ for the brand campaign. The concept explains the 3 future perspectives for the province in a very low-key way - leaving out all the politics. The concept was executed in the form of an interactive exhibition with activities from readings to games, placed in provincial towns during strategically chosen major events. Reaching the target audience that was already present. Showing relevance, placing residents in the future, and working from the exterior to the core is how we reached the residents of the province of Zuid-Limburg with our brand campaign. Panorama Zuid-Limburg is given its own branding to reactivate the brand. 

Strategically choose your time and location for your brand campaign launch

The campaign is created for the residents. Using imagery of the residents in the campaign design directly speaks to the target audience. A minimalistic graphic of the province is worked into the campaign design to highlight the demographic and the typography of lines emphasises on the concept. The primary red, blue, and yellow colours of the province’s weapon are enriched with green and pink to create a better communicative palette.

In the exhibition, a game designed with ropes lets residents pull the ropes to make decisions for the future perspective of the province. The literal thread count exposes the opinions of the residents.The entire exhibition is designed with recycled wood and does not require any screws - emphasizing on the simplicity and versatility of the construction, the reusability of the materials, and the sustainability of the exhibition. Sustainability is a key term in the proposition of the province.

The entire exhibition is designed
to be recycled and reused

For Panorama Zuid-Limburg, Chapters has strategically and successfully activated a brand awareness campaign throughout the entire province. The exhibition designed to execute the campaign, including all communication and branding tools, are created in co-creation with Chapters.